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When the people of a community are strengthened, the whole community is improved.

Habitat Homeownership Creates Property Tax Payers

Families who partner with Honolulu Habitat are active, invested families who care deeply for the communities they are a part of. As families settle into their new homes and become part of the tax base, the whole community is strengthened.

Habitat Connects People Directly to Those They Are Helping

Every person who volunteers  and donates  is a key part of changing a family’s future. Partner families aren’t people who are in faraway places – they’re individuals who live and work here in Hawaii.

Committed Home Buyers Improve Homeownership Base

When a community has a high rate of homeownership, a beautiful cycle of investment begins. This commitment to a better community means that everyone enjoys a stronger and healthier neighborhood.

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WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, USA (03/07/17)- Michelle Milone, a sophomore from Villanova University, installs tile flooring during a Collegiate Challenge build in Winston-Salem, NC. ©Habitat for Humanity International/Jason Asteros

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Habitat homes are not given away. They are sold to homebuyers with a non-profit mortgage. Each family must demonstrate steady income.


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