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Five-year strategic plan announced

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Honolulu Habitat for Humanity is embarking on a new five-year strategic plan to advance its mission of bringing people together to build homes, community and hope. The plan will run through December 2026 and is aimed at expanding the organization’s impact on affordable housing on Oahu.

“The need for affordable housing in Hawaii has never been greater. 24,000 families are without adequate, affordable shelter, and the need continues to grow,” said Jim Murphy, CEO, Honolulu Habitat for Humanity. “Our new plan outlines the bold, collaborative actions necessary for us to address this urgent housing problem. We must do more. Serve more. Build more. And we must do this together.”

Building on 33 years of experience constructing and financing affordable, permanent housing, the plan was developed in partnership with key stakeholders, Habitat homeowners, community leaders and the organization’s staff and Board of Directors.

By the end of 2026, Honolulu Habitat will triple the number of families served annually. The plan outlines a scaling strategy for affecting the housing deficit at scale and calls for operating with increased impact in three interconnected spheres of influence: community, sector and societal.

The plan also introduces new housing opportunities for families without access to land and enhanced critical home repair services to improve the safety and durability of existing homes on Oahu.

“This plan is more than a guiding document for our organization. It is a commitment to bring lasting impact in the sector of affordable homeownership,” said Murphy, “It is an invitation for all members of our community to join us in building a world – and island – where everyone has a decent place to live.”

our strategic objectives

The bottom line is this: we need to do more. Serve more. Build more.

our scaling strategy

We have been building homes, community and hope for more than three decades. As powerful as that has been, tens of thousands of people on Oahu still have inadequate shelter and 15,000 others have no home at all. Our plan challenges us to build on 33 years of experience to become more effective, efficient and impactful. 

To affect the housing deficit at scale, we will operate with impact in three interconnected spheres of influence: community, sector and societal. Through this approach we will drive broader engagement in housing solutions, support for market development and demand for policies and systems that create new opportunities for those in need of adequate, affordable shelter.


our strategic directions

1. Build community impact
     Improve housing conditions

We will build, repair and finance affordable homes to fit our communities’ needs at the scale demanded by Hawaii’s affordable housing crisis. This is our direct impact on affordable homeownership in Hawaii – how we physically change housing situations within our communities. We will build on 33 years of experience and embrace innovation to improve and expand our program model.

2. Build sector impact 
     Partner to increase access to homeownership

We will influence and shape critical systems change to improve housing affordability on Oahu. Through direct engagement with the broader housing sector, we can influence the way others in the public, private and nonprofit worlds think about housing issues and how to address them. We will champion for approaches and systemic changes that assist low-income families in helping themselves.

3. Build societal impact
     Inspire action to strengthen communities

We will work with diverse populations and generations to discover new, meaningful engagement experiences that propel and expand our impact. Bringing people together is the heart of our mission and our strength. It is also our greatest opportunity to expand awareness of housing as a critical foundation for stronger, healthier and more vibrant communities.

4. Build organizational strength and resiliency
     Mobilize resources and steward them faithfully

Like the homes we build, our plan begins with a strong foundation. We are called to step into our future by developing a diverse, dynamic and resilient organization that provides financial sustainability, invests in its people, capitalizes on network collaborations and is accountable for its outcomes and impacts.

building impact, together

Right now, families in Hawaii face tough math.

Housing costs are skyrocketing while wages remain stagnant. One in 5 families spend half of their income (or more) on housing.

This must change.

Our 5-year strategic plan is a provocative approach and commitment to strengthen our communities. It is a guiding compass for our staff and Board of Directors to deliver our mission more effectively and efficiently.

This plan is also an invitation.

We invite you to join us in building impact for this generation and the next. You can triple the number of families served by Habitat. You can build strong foundations for local families and the communities we share. You can help families with that tough math. Innovative programs and partnerships mean your gifts to Habitat go further than ever before. Your financial support, your voice and your time will propel this plan and move us closer to the day when everyone has a decent place to call home.

Support our five-year strategic plan.

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